[Diggers350] There's nothing wrong with banking in itself

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 14 13:55:50 BST 2010

Hi again

You don't  need to be a member to post there as I am the moderator and will
let it through but anyhow I have posted yours, and also Marki Brown's
excellent response together on the 2012 list.

There are a number of people on that list, aswell as  at Democracy Village
who are aware of the freeman 'legal fiction' argument, indeed there are some
who push it, but mostly we are not convinced that it actually works in
practice. Please advise where it has been used by activists successfully, in
a collective or individual capacity?

That said, there wil be talks at our Trafalgar Square demo on the 9th about
the idea (as will there be on Money and Land Reform)

Really not sure about all this emphasis on using technicalities. What does
it matter if technically we are dead, or that the Queepowns the land, we
need a movement that makes the antidotes to the problems we all face a
reality, and for that I reason I am happy that John Harris educates people
on some of this stuf, but much of it seems a bit of a waste of time, and
often he just gets facts plain wrong, in my view



On 14 September 2010 12:48, Mr Zouk <mrzouk8 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>   Hi Mark,
> I have responded to this group as that is where it was posted.
> I did however check that group, and to be quite honest, that group does not
> have the capacity to know this information becasue they are fighting about
> statutes and acts, the very thing that uses fictional entities.
> My position is that if anyone arguing statutes and acts of parliament then
> they really don't know what is going on.
> I would appreciate it if my message were instead posted to the group i
> posted it to, as i did not intend joining another group just for the sake of
> posting this information.
> It was simply for the group members i supposedly am a part of.
> If you'd like to direct the author to this group, then i might respond.
> I do not have another view on this matter as i have studied it, and
> researched it extensively, and I'm not open to hearing the authors point of
> view as they are missing very important information unless they are prepared
> to study the information extensively.
> Thanks for your response and I trust that the message i have posted to the
> group will be sent.
> thanks
> You might want to check the CQV act, and still part of law, we are all
> technically dead.
> fire of London 1666 everyone was declared dead, and they have seven years
> to prove otherwise.
> --- On *Tue, 9/14/10, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett at googlemail.com>* wrote:
> From: Mark Barrett <marknbarrett at googlemail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Diggers350] There's nothing wrong with banking in itself
> To: "Mr Zouk" <mrzouk8 at yahoo.com>
> Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 3:48 AM
>  Hi Mr Zouk
> PLease re-post to
> project2012 at googlegroups.com<http://us.mc451.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=project2012@googlegroups.com>
> so the author can respond
> Cheers
> Mark
> On 13 September 2010 18:39, Mr Zouk <mrzouk8 at yahoo.com<http://us.mc451.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=mrzouk8@yahoo.com>
> > wrote:
> Are you sure about that? (just asking the question, I'm not discrediting
> your article, just giving some more facts)
> 1. banks loan nothing, your signature creates the funds.
> http://www.fmotl.com/LoansScam.htm
> http://www.freewebs.com/debtfreesovereign/ same all over the world and
> there is alot more evidence to support this fact.
> 2. you never own land in the U.K. you are simply a tenant, full title is
> owned by the crown.
> 3. when you register anything you give up ownership and become a registered
> keeper.
> 4. All money is promissory: "I promise to pay the bearer the value of...."
> and is therefore debt based. (because it's no longer backed by gold, so
> it's a promise until such time as the money is again backed by gold)
> 5. What are you buying when you purchase land?  a title? sounds similar to
> money....a note of somekind. Or is it just a receipt? (paper for paper)
> you cannot own anything.
> 6. Interest is really stealing something from you that you created for the
> banks in commerce.
> 7. the Birth Certificate is where the debt is created (as collateral for
> the international banks / central banks) and came into being under admiralty
> maritime law or law of the sea, through bondage. a Bond was created at birth
> and is floated on the stock market. (as you can see, floating another
> maritime admiralty word)
> Bond - Bondage - Slavery
> You do not own your name in commerce i.e. the Mr / Mrs / Ms or the Capital
> Letter Fiction.
> It was created at birth. you can use it, if you claim ownership of the
> name, you become the liable party.
> The name was created at Birth, your parents signed the document as
> "informants" the Birth Certificate is Crown Copyright, they own the name.
> Your parents were not given full disclosure as to the nature of this
> contract.
> (there are lots more questions that can be answered about it, but in order
> to lessen any confusion, i've kept the information as simple as possible)
> thats why you will see all commerce using words that relate to the sea.
> Yes we are all operating in commerce.
> Berth Certificate - Birth Certificate
> Trans port
> Citizen ship
> Owner ship
> Pass port
> Bank - river bank
> Currency - current sea
> Medical Dock -
> Merchant Banking
> Offshore Account
> Bank Holiday - Bank Holy Day and there other words that will show how
> religion is in the legal system i.e. there is no coincidence that the leader
> of the country happens to be a
> Prime Minister..........
> and there are many more.
> this video is only a small part of what is going on, however worth
> researching:
> John Harris - 'It's an illusion' talk at the Stoke 'Lawful Rebellion'
> Conference
> http://www.tpuc.org/node/558
> Theres alot more to research if you really want to have a broader
> perspective on the topic.
> enjoy and research
> Banks aren't landlords whoever the banks are serving, I would suspect the
> Crown, thats where it's at. It's all connected at the top.
> There is alot of information that will come out over the coming months, as
> more and more research.
> but if you want to know more, I suggest you do some serious research.
> --- On *Mon, 9/13/10, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett at googlemail.com<http://us.mc451.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=marknbarrett@googlemail.com>
> >* wrote:
> From: Mark Barrett <marknbarrett at googlemail.com<http://us.mc451.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=marknbarrett@googlemail.com>
> >
> Subject: [Diggers350] There's nothing wrong with banking in itself
> To: diggers350 at yahoogroups.com<http://us.mc451.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=diggers350@yahoogroups.com>
> Date: Monday, September 13, 2010, 6:36 PM
> http://gco2e.blogspot.com/2010/09/theres-nothing-wrong-with-banking-in.html
> There is something very wrong with banking when it has become corrupt,
> by commanding the rental stream from land as an unearned income:
> •70% + of money created as debt is to buy land
> •It is created for free by private banking corporations. No capital
> was employed for the returns as so called "interest"
> •Zero cost of production = unearned income
> •OK so there was some labour and capital employed, lets say about
> 0.001% is earned income
> •The "interest" is really rent as the rental stream from the
> collateral of the loan
> •Who do you want to pay your rent to? A landlord or a bank?
> •If the mortgagee defaults the bank gets a nice piece of land.
> Evidently the best asset anyone can invest in as society advances
> •Land values ALWAYS rise as society makes progress. And only fall when
> it is in decline. That has only happened as whole civilisations have
> collapsed (Rome, Babylon, China, India etc)
> •If the "loan" is repaid in full, the bank gets double the loan unearned
> •Thus there is no more risk to creating money as there is to buying
> land directly. Please get over paying banks for risk. There is none.
> Its a win win free gift for them
> •Land is the thing the most people speculate on, even homeowners.
> Banks do it the most intensely because of their buying power in
> monopoly money creation
> •21st century banks are the modern day aristocratic landlords, simply
> more insidious. Fully protected by our democratically elected
> parliament and our undemocratically elected house of (land) lords
> •Failing to see this is why the integral nature of money creation and
> private land ownership is a difficult concept
> •In the end it is still the land that matters most, even today no
> wealth can be created without it
> •In fact this simple factor has intensified the more easily wealth can
> be produced. It is growing in intensity while it becomes ever more
> entrenched
> •Remember: Wealth in the economic sense is not money, nor is it land.
> Wealth is anything produced by doing work using natural resources,
> that people want in exchange, for their own wealth
> Make sense?
> The legitimate business of banking might be limited to the:
> •safe keeping of money
> •loaning money *
> •making of credits
> •exchange of credits
> * Real Loans from depositors money
> Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/project2012?hl=en-GB.
> ------------------------------------
> Diggers350 - an e-mail discussion/information-share list for campaigners
> and members of THE LAND IS OURS landrights network based in the UK
> http://www.tlio.org.uk
> The list was originally concerned with the 350th anniversary of The Diggers
> (& still is concerned with their history). The Diggers appeared at the end
> of the English Civil war with a noble mission to make the earth 'a common
> treasury for all'. In the spring of 1999 there were celebrations to remember
> the Diggers vision and their contribution.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWk9rRJsk5I
> Simon Fairlie still produces The Land magazine every 6 months or so.
> Subsription is £18 (£15 unwaged) or £4 for a single edition
> Contributions are welcome http://www.thelandmagazine.org.uk/
> You can find out more about the Diggers and see illustrations at:
> http://www.bilderberg.org/land/
> Brendan Boal from the Climate Camp would like me to point out that
> Bilderberg.org is my private web site and as such is not officially part of
> The Land Is Ours.
> And neither is this web site:
> http://www.downingstreetmemo.com/memos.htmlYahoo! Groups Links
> --
> "We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet /Yet is there no
> man speaketh as we speak in the street.”

"We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet /Yet is there no
man speaketh as we speak in the street.”
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