[Diggers350] corporate crime

chris morton crisscross at evendine.eclipse.co.uk
Sat Jun 25 11:26:35 BST 2011

James, your register might be a step on the way.

But the way is a long one, all the way from their prime aim being to  
make/maximise profit to when the prime aim became to serve the human  
race (not just the public in rich countries). You have to unravel the  
conservative theory that the one is a good indicator of the other,  
which it clearly isn't. Then the defeatist argument that there is no  
better way.

Most thinking people avoid the products of the companies you mention  
already, where possible. In many areas, especially using petrol, there  
is no more wholesome alternative. Back in the supply chain there is  
also very little produced today that does not rely on large inputs of  
oil. Eat veg from your garden and walk. Maybe clothe yourself in  
rabbit skins and feathers so something remains in your garden to eat.


On 25 Jun 2011, at 10:54, james armstrong wrote:

> There is no central register of  companies which have fallen foul of  
> the law.
> (It offends me to write “companies, who”)
> Companies which have been fined (most? ) include  BP (£57million )  
> and  Microsoft (680million euros (1987) ,  Philip Morris, Nike and  
> Times Warner were all fined over
> $1billion. Banks, Supermarkets, City accountants and pharma  
> companies are among those in the dock.   (Type in “ …x…. fined” in  
> your search engine)
> There seems to be no central register .   Can you think of a reason  
> why  newspapers are curiously shy about giving this scandal   
> sustained publicity?
> Konrad Black is serving three and a half years in jail for fraud.   
> How long would Microsoft and Nike get inside if corporations could  
> be jailed?
> I have written to OFT, FSA, Ofwat, Ofgem, Ofcom, Ofsted, Companies  
> House, Dept of Business Innovation and Skills asking for a detailed  
> list of significant fines imposed and mean to  publish a central  
> register .
> Graham Tudge (So shall we reap)  reminds us that in US , companies  
> were originally granted  charters to operate, only for a limited  
> time , for specified purposes and within state boundaries and their  
> first article of association stated their first objective  was to  
> serve the public.   Maybe it is time to set  a  Variable Termination  
> Date  for each company, renewable annually only for good behaviour.
> james

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