10-13Jul2012 HUNGARY GEN Europe gathering

Tony Gosling tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Fri Jun 29 11:12:32 BST 2012

Costs a bit - but cheap tickets available
Great networking event - T

Global Ecovillage Network Conference 2012 10. Jul 
2012 - 13. Jul 2012 at Eco-Valley Foundation (Hungary)
Grundtvig grants for adult education staff

Drive together &
save rescources

Find your lift or passenger
Offer a lift or announce your search for one

Ecovillages act as research and training centres 
for sustainable development within wider society. 
Alongside the abundance of networking 
opportunities and the flow of inspiration within 
and between participants, the hosting Eco-Valley 
Foundation will serve as a living example and 
field of practice for the themes of this year’s conference:
Global Scope of GEN – meeting engaged 
GEN-networkers and learning from best practice 
examples from all over the planet, including 
GEN-Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Developments in GEN – an interactive map of 
sustainability projects for the world; the first 
Ecovillage Design Education courses in Senegal, Congo and South Africa 

Villages in Transition to Resilience – how 
traditional village networks can use 
participatory design processes for the journey 
towards a sustainable society; and ways of 
reversing the trend towards urbanization.
Gaming - how to express our dedication to, and 
love for, the world in quests, adventures and 
shared journeys that are fun instead of hard work!!
Sustainable Economy - alternatives to the 
prevalent growth model for creating resilient 
local economies e.g. a community-wide currency, 
developing fair trade relationships and more 

Alternative Technology - hands-on experience and 
the theoretical background to innovative 
technologies that make a real difference
NextGEN  - The next generation in the Global 
Ecovillage Network: involving youth and young adults in sustainable projects

More Workshops:
Beyond Consensus – Exploring Sociocracy and Holacracy
The Art of Recycling – Creating Beauty from Waste 
(click here for a list of material to bring!)
Empowered Fundraising – Allowing funds to flow into Sustainability
Open Space: Opportunities to share as interest arises

Each day of the conference will start with talks 
and project presentations, move into smaller 
group conversations and then be followed by 
Workshops and Open Space in small groups in the afternoon.

The conference will provide a multitude of 
opportunities to get to know the other 
participants and for informal exchange. Each 
participant will also be a member of a Home Group 
where they can touch base and deepen their experience each day.

The conference will be facilitated by Capra 
Carruba, Robin Alfred and Kosha Joubert.
Our hosting partner community

Eco-Valley Foundation is based at the intentional 
community of Krishna Valley in southwest Hungary. 
The main purpose of the Eco-Valley Foundation is 
to facilitate the sharing of practical 
experience, education and collaboration with 
academic research institutes regarding sustainability.

Krishna Valley with it's 140 inhabitants is 
Hungary’s largest and most organized ecovillage 
community. The 266 hectares of the Valley 
situated 180 km southwest from the capital, have 
been developed in ecologically sound ways since 
1993. Right from the beginning the main principle 
behind the development was self-sufficiency with 
the help of common work, social development and traditional technologies.

Krishna Valley is self-sufficient in vegetables, 
fruit, grains and honey. Other features are 
renewable energy production (solar panels, 
windmills), a reed bed water purification system, 
a school and a Botanical Garden counting 950 
species of trees and bushes. Based on the 
religious background of the community, the 
inhabitants dedicate their lives to develop a more sustainable future.

25-30.000 tourists visit the Valley annually.

You can see a short movie about Krishna Valley: here.

Conference Fee

Regular        400 Euro

Reduced       250 Euro (for students, unemployed, people on low income)

We have a bursary fund for those who could 
otherwise not afford to attend, especially those 
from Eastern Europe. With a bursary, we can 
reduce your conference fee to 100-200 Euro. The 
bursaries are given away on a 
first-come-first-served basis. Please write to Ulrike to apply.
Food and Accommodation

A range of different accommodation options is 
available both at Krishna Valley and at the 
nearby village of Somogyvámos. Meals are organic 
and vegetarian, most of the ingredients stem from the Krishna Valley Farm.

We offer accommodation options with a wide range 
in standards and prices, from 124 Euro – 476 Euro 
for bookings after May 31 June 30.

Make use of our early bookings reduction and book for the following prices!
         Regular Price   Reduced Price
Single Room Deluxe      396 Euro        284 Euro
Double Room, Own Bathroom       200 Euro        144 Euro
Shared Room, Communal Bathrooms 184 Euro        132 Euro
Dormitory or Own Tent   144 Euro        104 Euro

   for bookings made until May 31 June 30

Food and accommodation prices for Children:< 4 
years    free (if they don't occupy a regular sleeping place)
4-14 years      75% discount
 > 15 years      full price

For more accommodation options, a detailed 
description and pictures, go to our bookings website.

Prices include accommodation during the 
conference (July 10-13), three organic vegetarian 
meals a day, a WIFI point and computer and mobile 
charger point. The prices do not include the conference fee.

All accommodation is within walking distance of the conference venue.

The reduced prices are for students, unemployed 
and people on low income. GEN members get a 
reduction of 5 Euro per night per person.

Please note that Krishna Valley has a no smoking 
and no alcohol policy on their premises. 
Traditional Hungarian pubs are at walking distance in the village Somogyvámos.

Please go to our registrations website, get a 
username and use the online registration form provided there.

Download the PDF-Flyer to spread in your networks here

Grundtvig Grants

Those working in the field of adult education can 
apply for a Grundtvig ‘Visits and Exchanges’ 
grant. For this, you need to be a teacher or 
teacher trainer in the field of adult education. 
This possibility is open to employees, freelancers and volunteers alike.

To be eligible for the grants you need to be a 
National or Resident of a EU member state (except 
Hungary), Turkey, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, 
Croatia, Macedonia or Liechtenstein.

These grants cover travel and visa costs, food 
and accommodation as well as the conference fee.

Applications are to be written to the National 
Agency of your country of residence.
To pre-register, click here


At 15:43 26/06/2012, frank gundry-white wrote:

>SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE (CSA) and other distribution systems for Food Sovereignty
>Uk mailing list
>Uk at lists.reclaimthefields.org

+44 (0)7786 952037
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic 
poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered 
that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that 
shall not be made known. What I tell you in 
darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye 
hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
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