'Housing Land Grab' Minister Warned: Don't Come Home!

Tony Gosling tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Sun Jan 13 01:22:45 GMT 2013


Sunday January 13,2013

By Lianne La Borde

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PLANNING minister Nick Boles has been warned to 
stay away from the village where he grew up after 
a row over proposals to build a housing estate there.
Furious residents claim they are not nimbys but 
the MP has not thought through new legislation to unleash a housing boom.
Last night one said: “If Nick Boles came into the 
village we would probably end up shooting him. He 
is coming up with some quite controversial 
decisions for the whole of the country.”
The warning came as the Sunday Express reveals 
that local authorities and housing associations 
have scores of empty properties despite the 
housing crisis that has prompted ministers to 
consider developing greenfield sites.
An analysis of new government figures by property 
investment firm London Central Portfolio shows 
that in the London Borough of Hackney, 46.3 per 
cent of vacant properties are publicly owned. The 
national average is seven per cent.

If Nick Boles came into the village we would probably end up shooting him
A resident

Yesterday it emerged that even Mr Boles’s 
parents, Sir Jack and Lady Anne, objected to the 
proposal to build 21 houses close to their village church in Talaton, Devon.
Sir Jack, 87, and his wife voiced their 
opposition at a parish council meeting last 
April. The couple have lived in their Grade II 
listed property near the village for 30 years.
Lady Boles, Mr Boles’s stepmother, said: “We 
didn’t think it was a sustainable site and there 
were better sites in the village. It looked too overcrowded to me.”
Her husband, a former director of the National 
Trust, added: “We have identified two or three 
much better sites. We have never been nimbys.” 
The plans were met with “almost total opposition” 
from the 400 villagers, revealed Talaton Parish 
Council chairman Chris Harwood. He said there had 
been numerous public meetings although never a formal planning application.
Mr Harwood said: “With any village you get a 
degree of Nimbys, but Talaton supports a limited 
chosen development which is in keeping with the village and sustainable.”

'Housing Land Grab' Minister Warned: Don't Come Home!
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shall not be made known. What I tell you in 
darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye 
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Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
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